C++Data StructuresAlgorithmsCompetitive ProgrammingJavaPythonMicroprocessorsGraph TheoryComputer System ArchitectureMachine LearningArtificial IntelligenceData Structures in PythonJavascriptMySQLAndroid DevelopmentAlgorithms in PythonCoding InterviewData ScienceData Structures in JavaObject Oriented DesignLinked ListBinary Trees

Artificial Intelligence

Introduction to AI

Intelligent Agents


State Space Search

Heuristic Search Techniques

8-Puzzle Problem using Manhattan Distance

Generate and Test Algorithm

Simple Hill Climbing

Steepest Ascent Hill Climbing Algorithm

Travelling Salesman Problem in Python

Best First Search Algorithm

A* Search Algorithm

Minimax Game Playing

Alpha Beta Pruning

Propositional Logic

What is AI?

-Eight definitions of AI laid out along 2 dimensions.

-The dimensions on top are concerned with thought process & reasoning.

Acting Humanly : The Turing Test Approach

Turing Test : A computer passes the test if a human interrogator, after posing some written questions , cannot tell whether the written responses comes from a person or from a computer.

-Computer will need to possess following capabilities :

Natural language Processing to enable it to communicate successfully in English

Knowledge representationto store what it knows.

Automated reasoning to use the stored information to answer questions & to draw new conclusions

Machine learning to adapt to new circumstances & to delete & extrapolate Patterns

Total Turing Test : includes a video signal so that the interrogator can test the subject’s perceptual abilities as well the opportunity for the interrogator to pass physical objects “through the hatch”

To pass the total turing test computer will need :

  1. Computer version to perceive objects &
  2. Robotics to manipulate objects & move about

Thinking Humanly : The cognitive modeling approach

Cognitive Science : The interdisciplinary field of cognitive science brings together computer models from AI & experimental techniques from psychology to construct precise & testable theories of the human mind.

What is AI Agent? An agent is just something that acts . Computer agents are expected to operate autonomously , perceive their environment, persist over a prolonged time period , adapt to change, & create & pursue goals.

Rational Agent : A rational agent is one that acts so as to achieve the best outcome or when there is uncertainly , the best expected outcome.